Elementary School Program

School Program

Janus Academy operates a school for students diagnosed with ASD aged 6 to 19 years of age.

Janus Academy School program provides an individualized approach to programming for each student based on the science of Applied Behaviour Analysis. The program provides a major emphasis in three core areas; development language and communication skills,the expansion of learner skills and academics, and the development of socially appropriate behaviour and classroom skill. Goals and objectives for each student are designed to facilitate independence and allow each student to grow and develop to their full potential.

The Janus Academy Elementary school provides programming in education to students who possess skills across the autism spectrum. As student profiles differ significantly, we have created different divisions within our program to target individual needs and group cohesiveness. Janus Academy classrooms are not formed by grades but rather by similar student profiles. We do our best to ensure that all students are placed within a peer group that will provide them with the most successful education.

Each student’s program is based upon goals set out in their Individual Program Plan. These goals are derived from the collaboration of the student’s educational team, ABLLS assessment, functional analysis of behaviour, and contributions from parents.